Timings of the Day
Arriving at school
The school gates will open at 8.30am.
All families can enter school via the front gate.
All Key Stage Two children (pupils in Years 3, 4, 5, 6) are able to enter school via the back gate. In the interests of safety we ask that parents and carers bring their Year 3 and 4 children to the gate, but older children can be unaccompanied.
The school gates will close at 8.45am.
Lateness or Absence
Punctuality is very important as it sets the tone for the rest of the day. If you arrive after the school gates have been closed, you must report to the school office to sign your child in and provide a reason for lateness. Registers close at 9.00am.
If your child is absent from school, you must follow the procedures outlined in our Attendance Policy and contact the school before 9:00am, when our register closes using the school app or by phoning the school office.
Leaving school
For Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, the school day ends at 3.00pm.
For Years 3, 4, 5 and 6, the school day ends at 3.05pm.
Parents and carers can collect their children from the KS1 playground. Each class has a designated zone and we ask that parents and carers wait at a distance from the children so that staff can dismiss their class promptly and safely.
Parents and carers of children in Year 5 and 6 can collect their children from the carpark on Caledon Road (next to the Summerfield Health Centre).
Year 5 pupils will be escorted by a member of staff, where they can make their own way home if their parents and carers have authorised for them to be independent walkers, though ideally it is felt that the children should be met by an adult.
In preparation for their transition to secondary school if their parents / carers have authorised for them to be independent walkers then our Year 6 pupils will be escorted to the back gate of the school, or the KS1 playground, where they can then travel home independently.